
God’s Intentions for You

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For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you an expected end. – Jeremiah 29:11 KJV

I think some of the most common misconceptions that I hear about God have to do with His character. I hear that “God doesn’t want me to have any fun” or “God doesn’t want me to have nice things” or “God didn’t give me what I last prayed for”. I have come to realize that in order to have a fulfilling and successful walk with Jesus/God you must first know and understand who Jesus/God is.

First, Jesus is the Son of God who God sent over 2,000 years ago to die on the cross for the sins of the world. (See John 3:16). When Jesus left the Earth and resumed His place in Heaven, God sent his Holy Spirit to be with us on Earth since Jesus was no longer on Earth. The Holy Spirit is called the Holy Spirit because it is the spirit of our Holy God. It is the same spirit that rose Jesus from the dead 3 days after He died on the cross.

Second, God’s Word is contained in the Holy Bible. There are certainly historical documents and books that exist which may give more detail or commentary on the events of the Bible, however, those are not the Word of God. God’s Word is only contained in the Bible. Anything else that exists (even if it’s historically accurate) is not the Word of God.

Third, God’s character is that of love, peace, joy, patience, gentleness, kindness. These are the things that the Father is. When you accept Christ as your Lord and savior and get saved, this is the Holy Spirit that comes to live in you. I chose this verse to make this point because I believe it shows God’s character as it relates to His children. God has so many plans for your life. God is so intentional and you can trust that His plans are always good. You can trust that the plans that the Lord has for your life will result in you experiencing the fruits of the Father’s spirit. This verse is my argument founded in the Word of God of why God’s purpose is better for you than the world’s purpose.

God is not about a list of rules. God is about a relationship. God will not enter your life and rid it of the good things, He will bring more good things. It may be scary to surrender your life and your heart to God but I promise you that there is no more capable hands that your life and heart can be. God created you, He knows better than anyone in the world what your purpose should be. He knows better than anyone what will bring abundance into your life.

Finally, God is so accessible and ready for you to call out to Him. Jeremiah 29:13 tells us that “and ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart”. This is God’s own Word giving us clear instruction on how to find Him. There is no barrier to entry with prayer. In order to reach God in prayer, you just need to call out to Him, believe in the sacrifice of His Son Jesus on the cross and by that accepting that the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is the only way to have a relationship with the Father, then you will be saved. John 14:6 tell us that Jesus is “the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me”. If you do that then God will send His Holy Spirit and give you the love, joy, peace, comfort, wisdom, truth, kindness, patience, gentleness. God will never turn away anyone who truly believes in Him and accepts the sacrifice of His Son on the cross. He will always meet you with love and patience. If you call out to God for a relationship with Him, He will show you who you are in Him and the purpose He has for you.

You can rest assured that if you call out to the Father for His love, He and all the angels in Heaven will rejoice over your calling. Let’s give Heaven a reason to celebrate today!

My e-mail is always open for those who have questions, [email protected]

I hope that this post was a blessing to you and gave you some encouragement.

Until next time,

Samantha xoxo